How to use a wheelchair
There is a proper way to use a wheelchair.
If a wheelchair is used incorrectly, the user will be unable to take full advantage of all of the functions or features, and it often leads to problems, causing an accident or unexpected injury.

Check the following to ensure safe use.
- Are there any cracks or wear on the tires?
- Is the air pressure in the tires at the appropriate level?
- Are the brakes working properly?
- When the brakes are locked, does it stop the driving wheels and main wheels from moving?
Do not use the wheelchair if there is not enough air pressure in the tires. If the tire sinks inward when pressing with your thumb, use a bicycle pump to fill the tires with air. In addition, also make sure that the air valve stem on the tire is screwed in all the way.
Sitting down into a wheelchair
- Lock the brakes on both sides.
- Raise the foot plates on both sides.
- Hold the arm rests with both hands and slowly sit down into the seat.
- Put your feet onto the foot plates.
Standing up from a wheelchair
- Lock the brakes on both sides.
- Take your feet off the foot plates.
- Hold the arm rests with both hands and slowly stand up from the seat.
Always make sure that the brakes are locked before sitting down or standing up from the wheelchair or when transferring to or from a bed. Also, make sure that the wheelchair is positioned on flat ground. In addition, never stand up or sit down while your feet are on the foot plates. If the wheelchair is not securely locked, the wheelchair can tip over causing an accident.

Parking brake
Move the brake lever in the indicated direction to lock (there is a push type and a pull type). Move the lever in the other direction (opposite the locking direction) to release.
Foot brake
Push down the pedal to lock. Lift the pedal (opposite the locking direction) to release.
Always make sure that the brakes are locked before sitting down or standing up from the wheelchair or when transferring to or from a bed. If the wheelchair is not securely locked, the wheelchair can tip over causing an accident. Be careful if the air pressure on the tire is low because the brakes will not lock.

- Stand behind the wheelchair holding the grips on the left and right side. Then, pull the grips outward to unfold.
- Hold the grip on one side with your hand, and push the seat down with your other hand.
Be careful not to get your hands caught between the seat and sides of the wheelchair when unfolding it. In addition, make sure that seat piping is locked into place before sitting down, in order to prevent damaging the wheelchair or the wheelchair from tipping over and causing an accident.

- Rotate and lift up the foot plates in the direction of the arrows.
- Lift up the front and back parts in the middle of the seat at the same time.
- Hold the grips on the left and right sides and push inward to fold.

- Use the wrench that is provided with the foot plates to loosen the front bolts so that the foot plates can be adjusted.
- Rotate the foot plates to adjust the height. Then, tighten the front bolts all the way.

When adjusting the foot plates, make sure that they are securely locked in place beforehand. In addition, make sure that the height of the footplates is 5 cm or more above the ground so that they do not get caught on objects or on uneven areas on the ground.
For caregivers
To push the wheelchair up over a step, use your foot to step down on the tipping bar to gently lift up the casters (front wheels) onto the step.

Do no use the back support pipe by itself to lift up the casters (front wheels). Gently move the wheelchair while explaining what you are doing. In addition, turn the wheelchair around and walk in reverse when going down a slope.
Always ask a caregiver for help when using the wheelchair to go downhill or down a slope.
When going down a slope, the caregiver should turn the wheelchair around and carefully walk down in reverse while constantly checking ahead. If there are stairs and the caregiver has to hoist the wheelchair up, be sure to have 4 or 5 people support the wheelchair by holding the base pipe, back support and other secure positions.